
GI is driven by open source and open standards initiatives; this would enable us to deliver state-of-art solutions and functionalities to our clients around the globe. Our objective is to provide interested parties especially within developing countries with solutions that reflect latest technologies at affordable prices. GI advised many of the government contractors and provided consultancy on many aspects of systems design, interfacing and integrations. GI e-solutions include content management, standardization, automation, and transformation using variety of technologies such as XML, RSS, Excel, CSV, XSLT, XPath, DTDs, HL7, Schemas and Schematron.

Smart KM Model: An Integrated Knowledge Management Framework for Organizational ExcellenceOur SMART KM Model launched in 2014 provides an integrated Knowledge Management Framework (KMF) to help organisations achieve excellence and help ensures KM becomes part of organizational culture. Developing successful KM framework is a highly complex process, we offer number of services to assist and guide both public and private organisations at the various stages of introducing KM. Aimed at managers of corporations and government policy makers providing an effective tool to help ensure KM becomes part of organizational culture. Drawing on our own research, and synthesizing the work of others in the KM area, the model will help to facilitate the process of managing knowledge within organizations including the creation, acquisition, transfer and use of knowledge, both within and between organizations. 

  • SMART KM provides a roadmap and clear process of managing knowledge within organizations including the creation, acquisition, transfer and use of knowledge, both within and between organizations.
  • SMART KM offers insight into KM processes; the challenges in introducing effective KM regime, and offers the SMART KM Model as a tool to overcome challenges. 
GI offers a complete suite of web design and development services including database systems, search engine optimization, etc.